National Safe Work Month

The primary objective of National Safe Work Month is to encourage individuals and organisations to prioritise safety in their workplaces and work towards reducing the number of work-related injuries, illnesses and fatalities. 

Being healthy and safe means being free from physical and psychological harm. A safe and healthy workplace benefits everyone.  

Safe Work Australia have put together a range of resources to promote safety in your workplace available here.

Host a SafeTea chat this National Safe Work Month

SafeTea emphasises the important of involving everyone in WHS discussions by encouraging workplaces to grab a cuppa and have a safety chat.

Follow these steps and plan a SafeTea chat at work: 

  1. Download resources, including:

  2. Follow SafeWork Australia on social media to keep updated with new information and materials. 

  3. Share your photos using the hashtags #SafeTea #SafeWorkMonth. The best ones will feature in their people’s choice LinkedIn showcase!

If Tea is not your thing, plan a safety themed:

  • SafeTradie or toolbox talk.

  • SafeTeam event.

  • SafeTeams virtual catch up.


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